All posts by Gill H. Boehringer

Professor Gill H. Boehringer is Honorary Senior Research Fellow at Macquarie University Law School, Sydney, Australia. He has a long history of struggle for social justice and against repression and exploitation of workers, those who defend them, and to protect the environment. He is the Co-Chair of the Monitoring Committee on Attacks on Lawyers of the International Association of People’s Lawyers. His ongoing research focuses on two interconnected phenomenon threatening the basis of democracy in the Philippines: the murderous “war on drugs” and the violent attacks on lawyers, many of which are drug war related.

Kurds: Building an Alternative Justice System in Eastern Turkey

The following are the notes of a discussion between Professor Gill H. Boehringer and two persons, SD and FV, who are familiar with the system being developed by Kurdish communities within the framework of their program of “democratic confederalism”.

/ January 13, 2025

Israeli Ecocide Brings Renewed Interest in the Crime

The severe and long-term impacts on the natural environment in Gaza – including impacts to soil, ground and underground water systems – are both a deliberate act and the predictable outcome of the ISRAEL DEATH FORCE (IDF)'s relentless intentional, systematic destruction of Gaza's neighbourhoods including hospitals, schools, universities, residential buildings, churches, and mosques over the last 6 weeks.

/ November 29, 2023

Reflections on Progressive Activism in Capitalist “Democracies”

One need only examine the class-and other-divisions in society to realize that capitalist liberal democracy is based in division, not togetherness. The differences are dramatic in employment, housing, education, health, life expectancy, even the environment within which rulers and ruled live.

/ July 10, 2023

Patterns in the Killing of Lawyers: The Case of Attorney Rex Fernandez

I have been monitoring the attacks on lawyers in the Philippines for over a decade. For many years the Philippines has been one of the most dangerous countries in the world for lawyers. Since 2001 there have been at least 219 violent attacks in which 197 lawyers were killed and 22 survived.

/ September 14, 2021