Category: Rohingya People

FORSEA’s Zarni speaks to ABC Radio on Arakan Army’s genocide of Rohingya and Myanmar’s Civil War

Topics include the fighting across Myanmar; AA's attack on Rohingya and how it became part of the slow-burning genocide.

/ May 26, 2024

On BBC World Service Newsday, the renowned Burmese genocide scholar & rights activist sounds Rohingya genocide warning

Phnom Penh, Cambodia: Dr Maung Zarni, the co-author of the 2014 study "The Slow-burning Genocide of Myanmar’s Rohingya" told the BBC World Service Newsday Programme on 22 May that the genocidal process is unfolding again in Myanmar's Rakhine state, albeit the principal perpetrators are ultra-nationalist Arakan Army of ethnic Rakhins.

/ May 23, 2024

Rohingya face prospects for genocidal violence again: Buthitaung Township, Rakhine, Western Myanmar

It is evident that the Arakan Army is attempting to forcibly displace Rohingya residents from downtown Buthidaung. This forced relocation must be halted.

/ May 18, 2024

While inviting foreign investment in Rakhine, Arakan Army Leadership displays deep-seated genocidal racism towards Rohingya in Western Myanmar

The extreme racism that Rakhine nationalists have, over the generations, displayed – their sense of racial and religious superiority vis-à-vis Rakhine state’s largest minority population of Rohingya, largely Muslims, their dogged attempts to deny and destroy Rohingya identity – appears to be their Achilles' heel.

/ April 2, 2024

Myanmar NUG and Ethnic Revolutionary Organizations need to walk their talk of gender – and ethnic – equality

The adviser to the Karen National Union, Naw May Oo Mutraw, critically challenges the simplistic portrayal of, and self-serving perception, regarding the all-too-obvious exclusively male revolutionary leadership of Myanmar resistance organizations.

/ March 29, 2024

The Chiang Mai-Meeting of 7 Myanmar Ceasefire Groups: Why Now? What Outcomes?

The 7 Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement Signatory groups, practically on the fringe of Myanmar’s Civil War met in Chiang Mai (17-18 March) to actually preserve Self-interests while, in effect, throwing a shred of domestic legitimacy, if that, to the junta.

/ March 20, 2024

The Arakan Army and a “Divided Myanmar”

The spectre of a divided Myanmar is often raised, both out of a genuine fear of the consequences for everyday people or the admitted complications it would raise for international security or out of a less scrupulous desire to maintain the status quo or to challenge it out of self-interest.

/ February 13, 2024

Gaza’s Children & Our Rohingya Children: A Tale of Israeli and Myanmar Genocides

We, the Rohingya have been chased from our homelands through a series of massacres and Burmese military campaigns since 1978. Our villages have been exterminated and wiped out of all maps. The Palestinian situation is just the same, if not, even worse.

/ November 28, 2023

Perpetual Systematic Violence and Perennial Violence in the Muslim Crescent: Palestinians, Bangladeshis, and Rohingyas

"If you want to see where the main state and human security threats in the future will be, look at the Muslim crescent, not the South China Sea."

/ November 15, 2023

Analysis: The situation of Myanmar’s eastern Shan state now under effective control of the resistance’s Three Brother Alliance

While the coup regime plays its old record of "Myanmar's break-up" to scaremonger the public and state-centric international community, and foreign observers sound the alarm of "Balkanization", the resistance movements are building a web of politically autonomous regions, guided by their common vision of post-junta Myanmar as a loose confederation of collaborative ethnic communities.

/ November 11, 2023