All posts by Maung Zarni

Dr Maung Zarni is a scholar, educator and human rights activist with 30-years of involvement in Burmese political affairs, Zarni has been denounced as an “enemy of the State” for his opposition to the Myanmar genocide. He is the co-author (with Natalie Brinham) of the pioneering study, "The Slow Burning Genocide of Myanmar’s Rohingyas" (Pacific Rim Law and Policy Journal, Spring 2014) and "Reworking the Colonial-Era Indian Peril: Myanmar’s State-Directed Persecution of Rohingyas and Other Muslims" (The Brown Journal of World Affairs, Fall/Winter 2017/18).

“In Christ, there is no killing”: N. Irish Nobel Peace Laureate Mairead Maguire’s Message to the Launch of the Law of the Innocent in Ireland

In this 3-minutes address, Maguire specifically called the world’s attention to the ongoing genocidal violence against Palestinians in the Occupied Territories, the Rohingya people of Western Myanmar and the Russian-Ukraine war.   

/ September 25, 2024

Beyond Palestine, International Law and White Supremacy: A Personal Reflection

Even if the issue is organically tied to you, if you offer a perspective that challenges the White Supremacist World’s prevailing analyses and views, you would very likely find yourself swimming against the currents.

/ September 12, 2024

Israel has built a vast Ecosystem of Genocidal Practices in Occupied Palestine

FORSEA's Dr Maung Zarni recently travelled to the Occupied Palestine and the occupying Israel with a N. American delegation of anti-Zionist Rabbis – Rabbis for Ceasefire – and spent nine intense days, witnessing the institutionalised textbook Lemkinian genocide.

/ September 8, 2024

Reading Chinese FM Wang Yi’s Meetings with Myanmar Military Leaders

Despite Wang Yi’s carefully worded diplomatic message designed to convey China-Myanmar bilateral relations as “friendship with all Myanmar peoples, the political significance – and the immediate impact – of his official and public meetings for the embattled military cannot be overstated.

/ August 15, 2024

Against Genocide

“We Must Make Genocide Unthinkable, like Slave Trade and Slavery”, FORSEA’s Maung Zarni challenged fellow activists & scholars gather at the Kuala Lumpur conference on human life and its value.

/ August 1, 2024

The Assassination of Aung San in 1947 also killed the Federalist Democratic Myanmar

Aung San and his post-World War II colleagues hammered out the twin framework for the nature of the post-colonial political state, namely the federalist power-sharing arrangement, which recognized the right of self-determination of ethnic communities, and an inclusive citizenship framework.

/ July 30, 2024

Palestinians as “Human Dust”: Israel’s Genocide and Its Anglo-American Imperialist Patrons

Israel has institutionalized a national policy of ethnic cleansing of the native people of Palestine while progressively depopulating the land with people to establish the Jewish majority state, from its very inception in 1948.

/ May 9, 2024

Beyond Palestine: A Burmese Activist Salutes Anti-Genocide US Campus Protestors

The American students I have known and had the privilege of working with in my 17 years in the United States were the best, idealistic, down-to-earth, eager to learn or share, principled and compassionate. They were the complete antithesis of the military-industrial-media-university complex, run by mass-murderous serial criminals, Democrat or Republican, that fully embrace their own delusional sense of being “exceptional”, that is, SUPERIOR, to the rest of the human...

/ May 5, 2024

British-Burmese Trade Union Solidarity Event. But we cannot NOT talk about Palestine.

The Holocaust and other acts of what Chomsky called "the great European pastimes" – mass killings in peace time or wars – gave us "international criminal and humanitarian law". Now the Great Law Creators are free to bin them – just like the British who invented slavery and the slave trade, just so they could claim "we abolished them"!

/ April 21, 2024

While inviting foreign investment in Rakhine, Arakan Army Leadership displays deep-seated genocidal racism towards Rohingya in Western Myanmar

The extreme racism that Rakhine nationalists have, over the generations, displayed – their sense of racial and religious superiority vis-à-vis Rakhine state’s largest minority population of Rohingya, largely Muslims, their dogged attempts to deny and destroy Rohingya identity – appears to be their Achilles' heel.

/ April 2, 2024