All posts by Maung Zarni

Dr Maung Zarni is a scholar, educator and human rights activist with 30-years of involvement in Burmese political affairs, Zarni has been denounced as an “enemy of the State” for his opposition to the Myanmar genocide. He is the co-author (with Natalie Brinham) of the pioneering study, "The Slow Burning Genocide of Myanmar’s Rohingyas" (Pacific Rim Law and Policy Journal, Spring 2014) and "Reworking the Colonial-Era Indian Peril: Myanmar’s State-Directed Persecution of Rohingyas and Other Muslims" (The Brown Journal of World Affairs, Fall/Winter 2017/18).

“America? I love the republic, but I hate the Empire”: A Personal Tribute to Johan Galtung (24 Oct. 1930 – 17 Feb. 2024), the Man for Just Peace

Galtung made unparalleled intellectual and practical contributions to the advancement of our understanding of peace, its social objectives and the conditions for peace, in terms of our global understanding of such an elusive goal.

/ March 4, 2024

Burma undergoes quasi-Balkanization and the embattled junta resorts to mass conscription

No Burmese in their right minds have bought into the spin “service to the nation” from the junta leadership. Reportedly, young men and women are frantically finding ways to exit the country.

/ February 23, 2024

Gayatri Chakraborty Spivak on Israel

Drawing on one of the world’s most influential anti-colonial scholars and revolutionaries, Frantz Fanon, Professor Spivak speaks on the root cause of the unceasing waves of violence against and by Israel when she points out that the violence by the colonizer/oppressor violence generates violence by the colonized/oppressed. To end this, the colonial conditions must first end.

/ February 9, 2024

A Global Rally Against US-led De-funding of Palestinian Aid Agency UNRWA: Pre-recorded Messages of Protest

This compilation of pre-recorded messages of solidarity with Palestinian people follows the stand-alone recording by the world-renowned feminist scholar and black revolutionary thinker Angela Davis of the University of California at Santa Cruz.  

/ February 7, 2024

Israel has the right to exist, but not this genocidal, expansionist Israel

Amidst the talk of “the two-state solution”, the United Nations or Nations United Against Evil, must first address the fundamental question: Should this Israel exist, as “the most aggressive, expansionist, overtly racist, Jewish supremacist government in Israel’s history?”

/ February 1, 2024

“Depopulating” Palestine: Israel Through the Bifocal Lens of Hitler and Lemkin

As a human rights campaigner and a student of genocides, in my attempts to understand Israel’s physical destruction of Gaza in particular, and its foundational Zionist policies in Palestine, I find most helpful to turn to Raphael Lemkin’s grounded and multi-faceted conception of genocide and Hitler’s “blood-based” ideas of “race-state” and racialized land.

/ January 20, 2024

Israel Defends Itself at the International Court of Justice: From Genocide Victims to Perpetrators

Israel's legal team, a member of which is a Holocaust survivor and the country's ex-Attorney General, will likely frontload the politico-legal mantra of Israel’s right to “self-defence” .

/ January 11, 2024

Moral and Strategic Consequences of S. Africa’s Case against Israel at the World’s Court

The post-apartheid Republic of South Africa, filing a genocide case against Israel is a significant act pregnant with positive moral consequences while handing the Palestinian liberation struggle an unprecedented strategic weapon.

/ January 5, 2024

“Israel Cannot Build Peace on Genocide” says 1976 Nobel Peace Laureate Mairead Maguire

Mairead Maguire (79) has a message for Israel and western leaders who finance, arm and protect the worst Zionist government in the history of Israel’s founding since May 1948: “Israel cannot build peace on genocide. We have got to find more humane ways to solve our problems.”

/ December 17, 2023

Burn in Hell, Mr. Kissinger. Finally, the Evil Incarnate, if glorified in the circles of States, is dead.

Kissinger, the self-perceived "lone cowboy" who thought he was "never wrong", but who was culpable in genocides, destabilised nations, and left a worldwide trail of corpses and destruction, is dead at 100.

/ November 30, 2023