Tag: Israel

With US backing, Israel has already set in motion de facto annexation of lands in the West Bank

The de facto annexation by ethnic cleansing is the direction in which Israel is moving not only in Gaza but also in the West Bank, after 57-years of its savage occupation of Palestine.

/ February 27, 2025

Munther Isaac: “Israel is a terrorist entity built on the Palestinian land by ethnic cleansing of the indigenous populations”

In early January, at his theology college in his native Beit Sahour (Shepherd’s Fields), adjacent to Bethlehem, the renowned Palestinian theologian and activist Dr Munther Issac met with a group of solidarity visitors, from six different countries, including FORSEA’s Dr Maung Zarni, and shared his frank thoughts on both the 76-years of Israel’s ethnic cleansing of Palestine and the grave dangers which Israel’s western imperialist patrons pose to humanity at...

/ January 27, 2025

Palestinians’ Liberation Struggle Needs Solidarity: Cambodians Respond with Love & Art

“(Cambodian leaders and people) have spoken out against the hypocrisy of Western governments preaching human rights, international law and the rule-based world order while condoning and even aiding and abetting genocide in Cambodia in 1975-1979 and again today in Palestine.”

/ October 5, 2024

“In Christ, there is no killing”: N. Irish Nobel Peace Laureate Mairead Maguire’s Message to the Launch of the Law of the Innocent in Ireland

In this 3-minutes address, Maguire specifically called the world’s attention to the ongoing genocidal violence against Palestinians in the Occupied Territories, the Rohingya people of Western Myanmar and the Russian-Ukraine war.   

/ September 25, 2024

Palestinians as “Human Dust”: Israel’s Genocide and Its Anglo-American Imperialist Patrons

Israel has institutionalized a national policy of ethnic cleansing of the native people of Palestine while progressively depopulating the land with people to establish the Jewish majority state, from its very inception in 1948.

/ May 9, 2024

On St Patrick’s Day, Mairead Maguire led public condemnation of the Irish American President Joe Biden’s genocidal role in Gaza

Quoting St Patrick of the 3rd Century AD who preached, “in Christ, there is no killing”, the Northern Irish peace activist and co-founder of the Peace People grassroots movement delivered a scathing indictment of non-stop killings over centuries by the “allegedly Christian" West.

/ March 18, 2024

Gayatri Chakraborty Spivak on Israel

Drawing on one of the world’s most influential anti-colonial scholars and revolutionaries, Frantz Fanon, Professor Spivak speaks on the root cause of the unceasing waves of violence against and by Israel when she points out that the violence by the colonizer/oppressor violence generates violence by the colonized/oppressed. To end this, the colonial conditions must first end.

/ February 9, 2024

Israel has the right to exist, but not this genocidal, expansionist Israel

Amidst the talk of “the two-state solution”, the United Nations or Nations United Against Evil, must first address the fundamental question: Should this Israel exist, as “the most aggressive, expansionist, overtly racist, Jewish supremacist government in Israel’s history?”

/ February 1, 2024

NOT THIS ISRAEL, NOT THIS JEW: A Jewish Voice for Peace

Uncritical support of Israel is destroying the spiritual core of Judaism itself – a dagger in the Jewish heart. Christians had to reckon with their deeds after the Holocaust. Jews need to do that now. Israel may have a right to exist, but not this Israel. It’s counter-intuitive and difficult to digest but conscience can be seduced and obscured: even our own.  I promised never again. Never again is now.

/ January 22, 2024