Month: October 2024

As Burma Studies in Japan becomes politicised, can the Rohingya hope for better from the rapidly developing Chinese Academy?
Burma Studies in many countries has always been the gloved hand of state intelligence. And Burma Studies in Japan is no exception.

Citizenship and Genocide Cards: IDs, Statelessness and Rohingya Resistance in Myanmar
Natalie Brinham's book draws on Rohingya oral histories and narratives about Myanmar’s genocide and ID schemes to critique prevailing international approaches to legal identities and statelessness.

The death of Old Burma or Myanmar as a Burmese nation-state and the birth of ASEAN’s Syria
Myanmar’s post-independence history since 1948 is a history of conflicts among different ethnic and ideological groupings, and their failures to resolve the differences of interests and visions peacefully. Successive generations of ethnic majority Bama or Burmese political elite, civilian and military, with their typical colonial mindset towards the other groups bear the greatest share of responsibility.

A window into a fascist engine: arbitrary abuse, population control, and Israel’s impossible destruction of Palestinians
The decades-long genocide, ethnic cleansing, and apartheid enacted by Israel are the most visible aspects of the assault on Palestinians. But I came away from my aborted trip with the knowledge that the seemingly smaller, less deadly events are inseparable and crucial to the system.

Palestinians’ Liberation Struggle Needs Solidarity: Cambodians Respond with Love & Art
“(Cambodian leaders and people) have spoken out against the hypocrisy of Western governments preaching human rights, international law and the rule-based world order while condoning and even aiding and abetting genocide in Cambodia in 1975-1979 and again today in Palestine.”