All Hail Ceasars: Republican democracies die easily
It is a sign of disease when our Congressmen and Senators attempt to honor a president as a Caesar and abandon their duty to defend the Constitution. We do not have many great things to say about the Caesars of (global) human history.

The “White Settler” State Mentality Destroying the World for Everyone
The idea that the white settler can do anything with what is found on "their" land has today resulted in planetary climatic consequences. There must be a fundamental re-evaluation of core American values to dismantle the systematic grip of white settlerism in the United States.

Gulf of Mexico to Gulf of America? Why History Should Count
The Trump Administration changing the Gulf’s indigenous name demonstrates the continuing control over political institutions by the descendants of European settler populations – illegal migrants, in today’s western parlance – who continue to seek to erase the actual crimes of their Euro-supremacist ancestors’ genocidal theft of that extra-European land – and sea.

As Burma Studies in Japan becomes politicised, can the Rohingya hope for better from the rapidly developing Chinese Academy?
Burma Studies in many countries has always been the gloved hand of state intelligence. And Burma Studies in Japan is no exception.

For Muslims in the Global South, American hostility began in 1979
if anyone wonders why America has backed off so far (and beyond) from responding to humanitarian catastrophes presented as security operations, against the Tamils in Sri Lanka, the Rohingya in Myanmar, and the Palestinians in Gaza, then they do not understand the structure of the contemporary world, as it has grown up since 1979.

The Arakan Army and a “Divided Myanmar”
The spectre of a divided Myanmar is often raised, both out of a genuine fear of the consequences for everyday people or the admitted complications it would raise for international security or out of a less scrupulous desire to maintain the status quo or to challenge it out of self-interest.

Perpetual Systematic Violence and Perennial Violence in the Muslim Crescent: Palestinians, Bangladeshis, and Rohingyas
"If you want to see where the main state and human security threats in the future will be, look at the Muslim crescent, not the South China Sea."

How Many Burmas Is Enough? Sidelining Western Imaginaries for Understanding Burma is an Important Step, But Competing Indigenous Imaginaries Also Present Problems
Can Area Studies move beyond the Burman, Burmese-speaking, Buddhist imaginary to understand the country through other indigenous perspectives?

How is the Russian Invasion of the Ukraine Impacting Asia and its Future?
There may be darker clouds ahead for the US in Asia. In the long run, Putin, like Hitler, could be responsible for the emergence of a new geopolitical order on a global scale in which the US place in Asia is less welcome than it once was.

The Violent Legacies in Myanmar of Colonial Knowledge and Area Studies
A major problem standing in the way of progress of what should be a joint front is that academics have clung to the myth that academics are observers, not participants, and that they should stand beyond politics. Unfortunately, in the Area Studies of the American and the British Academies, the 'discipline IS political'. Our disciplines have emerged from the colonial period as tools of empire and were preserved after the...