Forces of Renewal Southeast Asia (FORSEA) expands its board and scope to work on both regional and global causes of universal human concerns
Northern Irish Nobel Peace Laureate Mairead Maguire, the famed Malaysia dissident Hishamudin Rais, noted genocide scholar Professor Penny Green of Queen Mary University of London and several other international activists join the FORSEA board.

Syrian Refugee Ban: The Latest UK Foreign Policy Evil
The UK’s decision to suspend Syrian asylum applications highlights the enduring cruelty of a racist, imperial mindset – we must reverse it now and welcome all asylum seekers.

Understanding ICC Prosecutor’s Arrest Warrant Application for Myanmar Military Leader: Anti-Genocide Perspective
Without the willing executioners and cheerleaders, no state is capable of large-scale crimes against humanity of which genocide is one, from the Nazi genocide to Rwanda, to Indonesia’s CIA-facilitated genocide of ethnic Chinese and communists, to the ongoing Israel’s genocide in Gaza. Myanmar’s genocide of Rohingya is no exception.

Action Alert: Free Khurram Parvez, Kashmiri Human Rights Defender
We request you to actively participate in the #FreeKhurramParvez campaign to maximize visibility and international pressure on Indian authorities.

Let’s join our hands to speed up the demise of the US-led Imperialist World
I can’t possibly tell my 15-year-old that their future will be more peaceful, and the law and the established global governance institutions will offer them protection, let alone Palestinian or Myanmar or Sudanese teenagers who don’t know whether they will live or get blown up before their next meal.

“For Khurram, you choose to fight – A poem and poetry reading by Ather Zia”: A FORSEA solidarity post
In this post, FORSEA aims to call attention to one of the longest state-organized settler colonial projects, Kashmir’s repression at the hands of the Hindutva (internally Hindu Fascist) India.

“My Poems are for Palestine”
El Jones, the 5th Poet Laureate of Halifax reads for Palestine.

Study & fight Hindu Supremacy: Activists & researchers fighting toxic Hindu Supremacy movement, rooted in Modi’s India but with ties to Far Right in Trump’s USA
A FORSEA post in solidarity with the anti-Hindutva and anti-caste activists and researchers in the United States.

Myanmar looks more like ASEAN’s Syria than a democracy in waiting
Myanmar’s armed conflicts are, tragically, no longer a simple, binary morality tale of Good vs. Evil. Yes, the Tatmadaw remains the country’s largest armed organization and regularly commits atrocities. On their part, the anti-junta adversaries fighting “the Common Enemy” also perpetrate their fair share of atrocities against localized “enemy” ethnic populations.

As Burma Studies in Japan becomes politicised, can the Rohingya hope for better from the rapidly developing Chinese Academy?
Burma Studies in many countries has always been the gloved hand of state intelligence. And Burma Studies in Japan is no exception.