Tag: Multimedia

Beyond Trump: A Political Economy of American Power in the Asia-Pacific
Private corporations and public institutions in the US have pursued fairly consistent policy-level linkages with Asian-Pacific nations that seek to preserve American geostrategic dominance in this highly important area. Institutional power thus limits the impact of political change.

Thongchai Winichakul and the Chronopolitics of Memory in Contemporary Thailand
At first glance, the Thai monarchy’s deceptions, manipulations, and silence appear far less fragile than the good silences recounted in Thongchai’s text. Crudely put, monarchic silence is motivated by self-preservation. It continues to deploy an extensive panoply of coercive and cultural power to protect its privileges, albeit to declining effect.

Parasite VS Parasite OR Parasite VS Host?
A close-reading of Basement and Stairs.

The meaning of ART FOR ALL is something that's not merely to be enjoyed for its aesthetic beauty alone, but the messages conveyed, the very foundation of the works, can act as a guide towards the betterment of society.

In this rare video interview, Professor Noam Chomsky, speaks on the political situation in Thailand, the monarchy, the military in politics, and the draconian lèse-majesté law in the country.