Tag: Sri Lanka

The USA’s Pivot towards Asia and the Genocidal Massacre of Eelam Tamils in Sri Lanka
There needs to be a broader alliance amongst oppressed peoples in Asia who demand their right to homeland. It is necessary to extend solidarity to each other’s political struggles; it is also important to develop a common campaign to resist the USA/UK-led military paradigm in Asia which is backed by India, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Japan, South Korea, and so on, amongst whom the Sri Lankan state is at the heart...

Uncivil Society: Religious Organisations, Mobocracy and Democratic Backsliding in Asia
Civil society is usually seen as a force for liberal reforms, but uncivil society merits more scrutiny. It represents the dark side of the 3rd sector, is subject to elite capture, and can be an advocate for an agenda conducive to authoritarianism. We examine religious organisations in four of Asia’s plural societies– Bangladesh, Indonesia, Myanmar and Sri Lanka.