Tag: Myanmar

Amid their liberation struggle, Arakan Army (AA) of Myanmar tout Israel as their role model while breaching International Court of Justice Provisional Measures Order #1
Myanmar’s future remains extremely bleak as the Arakan Army perpetrates international crimes while the rest of the anti-junta armed resistance organizations look the other way.

Myanmar’s 77th Independence Anniversary Amid Political Tensions and Armed Conflicts
On the 77th anniversary of its independence from Britain, Myanmar, under military rule, continues to face political tensions, instability, and armed conflicts.

Myanmar looks more like ASEAN’s Syria than a democracy in waiting
Myanmar’s armed conflicts are, tragically, no longer a simple, binary morality tale of Good vs. Evil. Yes, the Tatmadaw remains the country’s largest armed organization and regularly commits atrocities. On their part, the anti-junta adversaries fighting “the Common Enemy” also perpetrate their fair share of atrocities against localized “enemy” ethnic populations.

As Burma Studies in Japan becomes politicised, can the Rohingya hope for better from the rapidly developing Chinese Academy?
Burma Studies in many countries has always been the gloved hand of state intelligence. And Burma Studies in Japan is no exception.

The death of Old Burma or Myanmar as a Burmese nation-state and the birth of ASEAN’s Syria
Myanmar’s post-independence history since 1948 is a history of conflicts among different ethnic and ideological groupings, and their failures to resolve the differences of interests and visions peacefully. Successive generations of ethnic majority Bama or Burmese political elite, civilian and military, with their typical colonial mindset towards the other groups bear the greatest share of responsibility.

The Assassination of Aung San in 1947 also killed the Federalist Democratic Myanmar
Aung San and his post-World War II colleagues hammered out the twin framework for the nature of the post-colonial political state, namely the federalist power-sharing arrangement, which recognized the right of self-determination of ethnic communities, and an inclusive citizenship framework.

On BBC World Service Newsday, the renowned Burmese genocide scholar & rights activist sounds Rohingya genocide warning
Phnom Penh, Cambodia: Dr Maung Zarni, the co-author of the 2014 study "The Slow-burning Genocide of Myanmar’s Rohingya" told the BBC World Service Newsday Programme on 22 May that the genocidal process is unfolding again in Myanmar's Rakhine state, albeit the principal perpetrators are ultra-nationalist Arakan Army of ethnic Rakhins.

Rohingya face prospects for genocidal violence again: Buthitaung Township, Rakhine, Western Myanmar
It is evident that the Arakan Army is attempting to forcibly displace Rohingya residents from downtown Buthidaung. This forced relocation must be halted.

British-Burmese Trade Union Solidarity Event. But we cannot NOT talk about Palestine.
The Holocaust and other acts of what Chomsky called "the great European pastimes" – mass killings in peace time or wars – gave us "international criminal and humanitarian law". Now the Great Law Creators are free to bin them – just like the British who invented slavery and the slave trade, just so they could claim "we abolished them"!

While inviting foreign investment in Rakhine, Arakan Army Leadership displays deep-seated genocidal racism towards Rohingya in Western Myanmar
The extreme racism that Rakhine nationalists have, over the generations, displayed – their sense of racial and religious superiority vis-à-vis Rakhine state’s largest minority population of Rohingya, largely Muslims, their dogged attempts to deny and destroy Rohingya identity – appears to be their Achilles' heel.