Tag: Myanmar

Nyi Pu Lay (1952-2023): Resting in the Revolution

Nyi Pu Lay, the man, treated anyone who met him with respect. He was courteous, thoughtful, kind and generous with his time, talents and publications. He was modest above all, and brimming with curiosity and eagerness to learn not just about things that immediately concerned the Burmese mind, but racism, international law, democratization, transitional justice, genocide and other atrocity crimes.

/ July 28, 2023

Unconditional Dialogue in the Age of Myanmar “Nway Oo” Revolution: Four Problems with Aung San Suu Kyi’s “Dialogue” with the Murderous Junta

Tragically, the public will become increasingly confused as to who is providing the pro-democracy leadership or which path – revolutionary or the status quo of the Suu Kyi-military deal, which will undoubtedly be backed by ASEAN.

/ July 14, 2023

From Hedging to Bandwagoning: China’s Shift in Strategy in Securing Its Interests in Post-Coup Myanmar

China has taken advantage of Myanmar’s violent situation. Its economic and strategic gains are being made in blatant disregards of Myanmar’s resistance’s – and the public’s – calls for China to desist from further enabling Myanmar military.

Too Many Massacres, Too Little Prospect for Dialogue: A Sobering Voice from Eastern Myanmar’s War Zone

How feasible or realistic is the “inclusive dialogue” with Min Aung Hlaing’s coup regime? “The Burmese military has killed, tortured, maimed and displaced too many people for there to be any meaningful dialogue.” David Eubank, Founder and Leader, the Free Burma Rangers, 23/6/23,

/ July 5, 2023

How Many Burmas Is Enough? Sidelining Western Imaginaries for Understanding Burma is an Important Step, But Competing Indigenous Imaginaries Also Present Problems

Can Area Studies move beyond the Burman, Burmese-speaking, Buddhist imaginary to understand the country through other indigenous perspectives?

/ July 1, 2023

Myanmar’s Democrats Soldiering On while Asian Neighbours and Putin’s Russia Arm the Murderous Coup Regime

FORSEA is bringing you a small collection of analyses which Myanmar dissidents and researchers themselves have written in both English and Burmese languages. 

/ May 21, 2023

ASEAN Leaders’ Statement on the Recent Attack on a Convoy of the AHA Centre and ASEAN Monitoring Team in Myanmar

ASEAN leaders' voice deep concern with ongoing violence in Myanmar and call for the immediate cessation of all forms of violence and the use of force to create a conducive environment for the safe and timely delivery of humanitarian assistance and inclusive national dialogues.

/ May 13, 2023

Who will replace the military in Myanmar? The People’s Answer

The international community need to seriously re-assess the current regressively Westphalian view that Myanmar military is the only organization capable of holding the country together, despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

/ April 23, 2023

The Political Significance of Myanmar Public’s Refusal to Hold the Water Festival: How the Coup Military Regime Lost Its Base, the Ethnic Bama Buddhist Society

The society-wide refusal to celebrate the most popular Water Festival/Myanmar New Year is like the electorate, voting with their cultural deeds against the six-decades-old mass-murderous military.

/ April 18, 2023

Is China Mediating Conflicts in Myanmar?

China’s approach towards peace and stability lacks any real prospects for peace. For the Chinese are pursuing stability in Myanmar only to the extent it serves to protect their economic, security, and energy interests, not peace for Myanmar as a whole.

/ April 5, 2023