Tag: Russia

The Clash of Empire Builders: China, USA and Russia
FORSEA Dialogue Series on Democratic Struggles will host a conversation with the famed Malaysian activist Hishamuddin Rais on the clash of imperialist powers and its global consequences.

Comedians’ Tragedy: The Global Shortage of Cynicism in the Russian-Ukrainian War
The world has no choice but to condemn the Russian aggression against Ukraine. It has no choice but to help the Ukrainians to end the war with honor. But it is the role of the Ukrainians to produce statesmen who understand that the Ukrainians need to suspect not only the Russians but also the Americans and the Europeans.

The Russian Invasion of Ukraine Through My Burmese Eyes
None of the leading liberal democracies of the West really honours the principles they loudly espouse such as non-violence, popular and state sovereignty, human rights, or democracy, nor do they support democratic resistance, armed or non-violent, unless such support serves their hidden interests, whether those interests are commercial or geostrategic.