Category: Opinion
The latest opinion from those committed to making our region fair, just and democratic.

“Israel Cannot Build Peace on Genocide” says 1976 Nobel Peace Laureate Mairead Maguire
Mairead Maguire (79) has a message for Israel and western leaders who finance, arm and protect the worst Zionist government in the history of Israel’s founding since May 1948: “Israel cannot build peace on genocide. We have got to find more humane ways to solve our problems.”

How Fascism & Nazism influenced Hindu Nationalism
There has always been speculation about connections between European fascism and early Hindu nationalism, but a recent book provides solid evidence for the first time.

Dr Mahathir on Euro-American Imperialist Crimes and the Countries’ need for Cooperation against the Existential Threat of Climate Change
In his hour-long dialogue on FORSEA YouTube Channel, former two-times Prime Minister of Malaysia Dr Mahathir Mohamad (98) shared his no-hold-barred reflections on the sordid state of the world, still in the grip of the Euro-American powers

FORSEA to Air Special World’s Genocide Day YouTube Interview with Dr Mahathir
World’s Oldest Statesman Dr Mahathir Mohamad reflects on Western Imperialisms and offers a forward-looking post-United Nations vision of peace for a world threatened by Climate Change.

Burn in Hell, Mr. Kissinger. Finally, the Evil Incarnate, if glorified in the circles of States, is dead.
Kissinger, the self-perceived "lone cowboy" who thought he was "never wrong", but who was culpable in genocides, destabilised nations, and left a worldwide trail of corpses and destruction, is dead at 100.

Israeli Ecocide Brings Renewed Interest in the Crime
The severe and long-term impacts on the natural environment in Gaza – including impacts to soil, ground and underground water systems – are both a deliberate act and the predictable outcome of the ISRAEL DEATH FORCE (IDF)'s relentless intentional, systematic destruction of Gaza's neighbourhoods including hospitals, schools, universities, residential buildings, churches, and mosques over the last 6 weeks.

Gaza’s Children & Our Rohingya Children: A Tale of Israeli and Myanmar Genocides
We, the Rohingya have been chased from our homelands through a series of massacres and Burmese military campaigns since 1978. Our villages have been exterminated and wiped out of all maps. The Palestinian situation is just the same, if not, even worse.

Perpetual Systematic Violence and Perennial Violence in the Muslim Crescent: Palestinians, Bangladeshis, and Rohingyas
"If you want to see where the main state and human security threats in the future will be, look at the Muslim crescent, not the South China Sea."

“One Holocaust Does NOT Justify Another”: Britain’s National March for Palestine and the World’s Moral Majority
Saturday's march which drew Britons from beyond London – thousands took buses or trains from across the UK – is clear testament to the global consensus moral position among hundreds of millions of people around the world.

Analysis: The situation of Myanmar’s eastern Shan state now under effective control of the resistance’s Three Brother Alliance
While the coup regime plays its old record of "Myanmar's break-up" to scaremonger the public and state-centric international community, and foreign observers sound the alarm of "Balkanization", the resistance movements are building a web of politically autonomous regions, guided by their common vision of post-junta Myanmar as a loose confederation of collaborative ethnic communities.