Tag: Democracy

All Hail Ceasars: Republican democracies die easily
It is a sign of disease when our Congressmen and Senators attempt to honor a president as a Caesar and abandon their duty to defend the Constitution. We do not have many great things to say about the Caesars of (global) human history.

Democracy in France 2022: Conversation with Sorbonne Constitutional Scholar and Leftist Intellectual Marie Gren
In the fascinating 60-minutes discussion, Professor Gren touched on various aspects of contemporary democracy in France, ranging from the sordid state of the Left and its “caviar socialists” and the increasing acceptability and mainstreaming of Far Right ideologies which Le Pen personifies, to the economic hardships that inflict immense pains on the great majority of the French public.

France’s Long Struggle for Democracy: the Era of Macron-LePen
FORSEA Dialogue Series on Democratic Struggles is hosting a public discussion with a constitutional law scholar and a student of French politics Professor Marie Gren of Sorbonne on 26 April.

Universities, Academic Censorship & Intellectual Un-Freedoms: How ASEAN States Make Their Peoples Unable to Think
This FORSEA Dialogue will explore the multiple ways in which ASEAN states execute the suppression of intellectual freedom, particularly within their state-run university systems, FORSEA’s in-depth dialogue series is bringing together a group of scholars who specialize in Southeast Asian affairs.

Militaries in Politics: Thailand and the Philippines
Mesrob Vartavarian discusses the history of the militaries of both Thailand and the Philippines and explains how they became so deeply involved in their country's politics.

Militias and Democratization in Southeast Asia
Militias have contributed to the making of illiberal societies and the militarization of subaltern social groups. If democracies are to truly thrive in Southeast Asia, they must do so without militias.

The Milk Tea Alliance: How Thailand, Taiwan, and Hong Kong are supporting each other’s fight for democracy
With the world in shambles and leadership severely lacking, young people are proving that they are not afraid to fight for a better future and to stand together throughout this process. That is the true power and potential of this Milk Tea Alliance.

Does Real Democracy Stand a Chance in Thailand? | Inside Story
It's eighty eight years since the revolution in Thailand which was the end of the absolute monarchy and the start of democracy. But it's the army and the Royal palace which today define much of Thai politics.

Maung Zarni Addresses Online Forum as the Republic of Korea Celebrates the 40th Anniversary of its May 18 Democratisation Movement
S. Korea appears a rare success story, resulting in the establishment of UNESCO-recognised May 18 Democratisation Movement and Human Rights World Heritage Museum in Gwanju.

Southeast Asian Regimes Attack Democracy on the pretext of COVID-19
While COVID-19 continues to attack the population of this region, they also become targets of the state, as they demand transparency of information on the pandemic.