Tag: Fascism

In Brazil and in the United States, We Need to Avoid Learning the Wrong Lessons from Right-Wing Attacks

It is necessary to abandon the idea that more policing, more surveillance, and more restrictive protest laws can help us to fight right-wing extremism. It is more likely that such measures will soon be used to fight us by the very political actors whom we are fighting against.

/ January 27, 2023

The 21st Century Coups, Fake News, & Far-Right Insurrections: Bolsonarism in Brazil

Join host Maung Zarni and guest Eraldo Souza dos Santos for the first of the FORSEA Dialogue on Democratic Struggles Series for 2023.

/ January 12, 2023

The Right’s Worrying Trajectories in India and the United States

Political observers and activists need to keep a close eye on the Right’s agenda in the two countries. The world’s largest democracy and the world’s oldest democracy are both in trouble.

/ December 4, 2022

Opening Remarks: Noam Chomsky

World Renowned Linguist and Principled Critic of US-led “Savage Capitalism” delivered his opening remarks during the 6-hrs-long FORSEA Public Event which took place on 17 November 2022.

/ November 23, 2022

After Mussolini: A Warning Against Future Proto-Fascisms & the Far Right’s Threat to Humanity & the Environment

YouTube Public Discussion: 17 November 2022 (11 am – 3 pm GMT/UK). Noam Chomsky's pre-recorded overview of proto-Fascisms and their threat to organised life on the planet. Format – Roundtable. Join 30 Anti-Fascist scholars, activists & musicians from 15 different countries and 4 continents.

/ November 8, 2022

New Fascisms in Europe: Poland’s Far Right Problem

Watch live: FORSEA's Dialogue on Democratic Struggles Series with guest Rafal Pankowski, professor, the Institute of Sociology of Collegium Civitas in Warsaw, Poland and author of ‘Neo-Fascism in Western Europe: A Study in Ideology’.

/ October 17, 2022

Saving the Native White Swedes: The Return of Swedish Fascism in 2022

FORSEA Dialogue LIVE on Democratic Struggles Series with distinguished guest Arash Sedighi, PhD, teacher, Screenplay writer and co-founder of the BAME+ podcast network.

/ October 5, 2022

After Mussolini: The Second Coming of Fascism in Italy (?)

Watch live: FORSEA's Dialogue on Democratic Struggles Series with guest Michael Leonardi, author of "Introducing Georgia Meloni: How the US opened the door for Fascism's Return to Italy".

/ October 1, 2022