Tag: genocide

Should the International Court of Justice allow the Illegitimate and Universally Unpopular Military Regime to act as State Actor in the Gambia vs Myanmar?
International Holocaust Remembrance Day special event in memory of the victim of Nazi Genocide. Thursday 27th January 2022.

Warnings from the Balkans, again! Denials of Bosnian Genocide, Prospects for Bosnia’s Disintegration and Great Powers in a Small Playground
The FORSEA Dialogue on Decolonizing Minds, Democratizing Knowledge Series welcomes Distinguished Guest, Demir Mahmutćehajic, a veteran leading activist in the civil rights movement DOSTA! or Enough! in Bosnia and Herzegovina and a co-founder of UK's Islamic Human Rights Commission.

ကိုလိုနီ စိတ်မှ လွတ်မြောက်ပြီး ဒီမိုကရေစီနည်းကျ အသိပညာပြန့်ပွားရေး၊ FORSEA ပညာရှင်များ စကားဝိုင်း
ရိုဟင်ဂျာလူမျိုးစုနှင့် ၎င်းတို့သမိုင်းကို မြန်မာနိုင်ငံမှ ဖျက်ဆီးခြင်းတို့ကို ဂျင်န်နိုဆိုက် (genocide) လူမျိုးတုံးအမြစ်ဖြုတ်မှု အဖြစ်ရှုမြင်ခြင်းနှင့် ပတ်သက်၍ ကမ္ဘာ့အဆင့်ပညာရှင်များ စကားဝိုင်းတစ်ရပ် ပြုလုပ်ခဲ့သည်။

Post-Holocaust Genocides as a Single Clearest Indictment of the Criminal Failure of the United Nations & World Civilization
FORSEA’s new YouTube LIVE Dialogue series “Decolonizing Minds, Democratizing Knowledge” hosted its first episode, looking at Rohingya identity and history destruction by Myanmar as a real-world case.

A Myanmar’s Military That Burns Civilians Alive Ought to be Designated as Terrorist
While governments and human rights organizations were occupied with the farce of the coup junta’s trial of Aung San Suu Kyi and the expected guilty verdict on 6 December 2021, the junta’s back-to-back acts of terrorism have not been reported in the ways they deserve and nor have they received worldwide scrutiny and condemnation.

Myanmar Coup Regime’s Handling of COVID-19: Is it Genocidal?
it is conceivable that the Myanmar terrorist regime of the SAC may be genocidally minded in its approach in tackling COVID-19 within the military and its sub-social system, while deliberately putting at risk the lives of millions of anti-military Burmese of all ethnic and religious backgrounds.

The USA’s Pivot towards Asia and the Genocidal Massacre of Eelam Tamils in Sri Lanka
There needs to be a broader alliance amongst oppressed peoples in Asia who demand their right to homeland. It is necessary to extend solidarity to each other’s political struggles; it is also important to develop a common campaign to resist the USA/UK-led military paradigm in Asia which is backed by India, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Japan, South Korea, and so on, amongst whom the Sri Lankan state is at the heart...

Are We as Area Studies Scholars Guilty of Negligence in Allowing Genocides to Happen in the Regions we Study?
Foreign scholars CAN help to prevent genocide again. If we're waiting for policymakers to prevent things on their own and save ourselves the trouble so that we can take a well-funded research trip and sit outside a coffee shop in Naypyitaw or Yangon, why should the rest of the world have any interest in reading anything we have to write? Scholarship and research should mean something.

National Security States Demonise Myanmar’s Victims of Genocide – Rohingya – and Other Refugees
Those who vehemently oppose the repressive – and often racist, bigoted and economically predatory states – call attention to Myanmar's Rohingya people as the most terrorised by their own government.

Korean Civil Society in Solidarity and FORSEA.co co-organised a two-day International Conference at Sogang University in Seoul, S. Korea aimed at bringing Myanmar’s ongoing genocide of Rohingya people to the attention of the chop-stick civilisations of Far East Asia, namely Japan, S. Korea, Taiwan and, theoretically, China.