Tag: Myanmar

Consider This: Myanmar – What’s General Aung Min’s Endgame?

Myanmar has been in turmoil since the coup in February ended a decade of democratisation Eighteen months on, more than 1,000 civilians have been killed by the country’s security forces and many members of the ousted government including Aung San Suu Ski are on trial or in jail. With the introduction of the Burma Act, will the international context shift in favour of the ousted government?

/ October 7, 2021

Rohingyas: Auto-Ethnographic Photo-exhibit, Oxford Human Rights Festival

The Rohingya photographers gathered here offer a revisioning of sorts, a counternarrative to existing tropes of their community as uber-victims. Instead, we get glimpses of what it means to ‘live with’ such infrastructures of statelessness, to see what we might otherwise miss. 

/ September 9, 2021

Media Continues to Orientalize “Buddhist Myanmar”

Add “Buddhist Terror” to the standard duo of Sex/Scandal and War/Violence as the media angle that sells. Yet unlike these, “Buddhist Terror” is rooted in the distorted invention of Buddhism and Buddhists as peaceful (vis-à-vis Islam and Muslims as violent). This is so deeply troubling with mainstream media picking up the old trend – Orientalizing hatred and racism in non-Europe, non-Christian spaces, in Wirathu’s case, “Buddhist” Myanmar.

/ September 8, 2021

Gregory Stanton on the Mainstreaming of Slobodan Milošević ‘s Euphemism “Ethnic Cleansing” in Cases of Genocide

In Stanton’s expert opinion, no prosecutor can charge anyone for committing “ethnic cleansing” as it is not a crime under international law. The term is a license for impunity.

/ August 30, 2021

Transnational Activism vs White Saviourism in Myanmar Affairs

As a Burmese who has been angry – very angry – for decades over numerous forms and countless instances of oppression and injustices in Myanmar, and emphatically, around the world, I am less concerned about the morally corrupt desire of revenge and vengeance of the oppressed towards their oppressor or the System than the enveloping White Saviourism with its corrupting coloniality.

/ August 18, 2021

FORSEA Co-founder offers his no-hold-barred view of the Myanmar terrorist regime renaming itself “Caretaker”

The coup regime's latest move to reinvent itself as "Caretaker" government is the vicious repeat of the pattern of deceiving Myanmar public which began with General Ne Win intervening in electoral politics in September 1958 – under the same "Caretaker Government" label.

/ August 2, 2021

Our Life as Rohingya Refugees

A poem written by a young Rohingya poet, from Rakhine state, living in Rangoon.

/ August 2, 2021

The Misuses of Histories and Historiography by the state in Myanmar: The Case of Rakhine and Rohingya

Some look to find solutions in holding Myanmar to account through international law regarding what the Myanmar military has done to Rohingya. That is what they can do. I am not a lawyer, but a historian. When I look at Myanmar, I am trying to unravel the ways in which religious haters in the country misuse history to legitimate what they do.

/ July 29, 2021

Analysis on the trial of the ousted NLD leader Aung San Suu Kyi

Maung Zarni comments on the farcical nature of the politically motivated trial of the Burmese Nobel Peace laureate who remains overwhelmingly popular with the ethnically majority Burmese electorate.

/ July 29, 2021

Myanmar Coup Regime’s Handling of COVID-19: Is it Genocidal?

it is conceivable that the Myanmar terrorist regime of the SAC may be genocidally minded in its approach in tackling COVID-19 within the military and its sub-social system, while deliberately putting at risk the lives of millions of anti-military Burmese of all ethnic and religious backgrounds.

/ July 15, 2021