After Afghanistan, how credible is Joe Biden’s talk of support for democracy and opposition against authoritarianism around the world?
Myanmar under the coup regime has been in a Zero Sum popular armed revolution, yet the Biden White House has offered Myanmar's human rights defenders and pro-democracy revolution nothing more than empty statements. This is discussed on the next FORSEA Dialogue on Democratic Struggles in Asia.
The Historic Significance of the Farmers’ Struggles in India
Ten days ago, Prime Minister Modi was forced to repeal all the pro-corporate agricultural laws, signalling the regime's defeat at the hands of a determined, well-organized and uncompromising farmers' movement. This FORSEA Dialogue on our YouTube channel is dedicated to this historic and historically significant victory by the Indian farmers.
Racisms, States and Genocides Across the ASEAN Region and Beyond
The forthcoming FORSEA Dialogue on Democratic Struggles Across Asia on December 1, 2021 will be on the theme of States, Racisms and Genocides.
China-US Tensions: Their Impact on Myanmar and Broader Southeast Asia
The next FORSEA Dialogue on Democratic Struggles Across Asia, on Wednesday 17 November, discusses China-US Tensions: Their Impact on Myanmar and Broader Southeast Asia with four expects on the region.
The Balkanization of Myanmar: Minorities’ Solution to 70-years of the Colonial Rule & Political Repression?
The next FORSEA Dialogue on Democratic Struggles Across Asia discusses Myanmar with Rual Lian Than, an ethnic Chin researcher and activist.
On Myanmar’s Dead Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement
Maung Zarni blew the whistle on military-led top-down democratic reforms – which he argued were, in the final instance, cosmetic as early as these "reforms" were launched by the Burmese generals in 2010. To his rage and dismay, this "transition" was blessed by none other than Aung San San Suu Kyi and celebrated by Western media and powerful external actors.
Does Facebook deserve a share of the blame for the Rohingya genocide in Myanmar?
Facebook and the Rohingya genocide: FORSEA's Maung Zarni speaks on MSNBC's Mehdi Hasan Show on the Facebook problem.
Nobel Peace Prize Goes to Journalists Maria Ressa and Dmitry Muratov
Maung Zarni discusses the award of this year’s Nobel Peace Prize to journalists Maria Ressa and Dmitry Muratov for their efforts to hold the powerful to account.
Dialogue on Democratic Struggles Across Southeast Asia: ASEAN’s Non-Interference or Bandung Principle & The Region’s Challenges
Join us for the Dialogue on Democratic Struggles Across Southeast Asia with guest, Tulis T. H. Tambunan, professor of economics at Indonesia's Trisakti University, to discuss Intra-ASEAN trade and investment, Myanmar's perpetual crises and the South China Sea disputes.
Consider This: Myanmar – What’s General Aung Min’s Endgame?
Myanmar has been in turmoil since the coup in February ended a decade of democratisation Eighteen months on, more than 1,000 civilians have been killed by the country’s security forces and many members of the ousted government including Aung San Suu Ski are on trial or in jail. With the introduction of the Burma Act, will the international context shift in favour of the ousted government?