Category: Events
News on past and upcoming FORSEA events.

Attacks on Lawyers: Post-Coup Myanmar and the Philippines under the Duterte and Marcos Leaderships
Watch live: FORSEA Dialogue on Democratic Struggles Series with guest Gill H. Boehringer, Honorary Senior Research Fellow and former Dean at Macquarie University Law School, Sydney, & Co-Chair of the Monitoring Committee on Attacks on Lawyers of the International Association of People’s Lawyers.

The Impact of the 2021 Military Coup on Myanmar’s Religious Minorities and Freedom of Religion
In the upcoming episode of our dialogue series on Democratic Struggles, FORSEA and Asia Center are co-hosting an hour-long discussion on the impact of 2021 MILITARY COUP, specifically on the country's religious – and also ethnic – Minorities in Myanmar.

Myanmar Air Strikes against Civilians as Acts of Terrorism
How Should ASEAN Deal with a Member State’s Military Turning Terrorist? On 21 February, FORSEA hosts the first dialogue LIVE on the subject of a national armed forces resorting to targeted, precision airstrikes against civilian populations at home.

The 21st Century Coups, Fake News, & Far-Right Insurrections: Bolsonarism in Brazil
Join host Maung Zarni and guest Eraldo Souza dos Santos for the first of the FORSEA Dialogue on Democratic Struggles Series for 2023.

After Mussolini: A Warning Against Future Proto-Fascisms & the Far Right’s Threat to Humanity & the Environment
YouTube Public Discussion: 17 November 2022 (11 am – 3 pm GMT/UK). Noam Chomsky's pre-recorded overview of proto-Fascisms and their threat to organised life on the planet. Format – Roundtable. Join 30 Anti-Fascist scholars, activists & musicians from 15 different countries and 4 continents.

Singapore: The Shelter for Myanmar Junta’s Arms Dealers, Drug Lords, and Cronies
Watch live: FORSEA Dialogue on Democratic Struggles Series with guest James Gomez, PhD., Director of the Asia Center, Southeast Asia.

China and the Human Rights of its Neighbours
FORSEA co-sponsored Talk: "If China gives lethal stability to its neighbours, do the actors outside have no option but to look the other way?"

New Fascisms in Europe: Poland’s Far Right Problem
Watch live: FORSEA's Dialogue on Democratic Struggles Series with guest Rafal Pankowski, professor, the Institute of Sociology of Collegium Civitas in Warsaw, Poland and author of ‘Neo-Fascism in Western Europe: A Study in Ideology’.

Saving the Native White Swedes: The Return of Swedish Fascism in 2022
FORSEA Dialogue LIVE on Democratic Struggles Series with distinguished guest Arash Sedighi, PhD, teacher, Screenplay writer and co-founder of the BAME+ podcast network.

After Mussolini: The Second Coming of Fascism in Italy (?)
Watch live: FORSEA's Dialogue on Democratic Struggles Series with guest Michael Leonardi, author of "Introducing Georgia Meloni: How the US opened the door for Fascism's Return to Italy".