Tag: genocide

Myanmar’s spring revolution and the Rohingya genocide
In the case of Rohingyas, they had never been armed in any significant way to fight back against their oppressor, the Myanmar military or the Buddhist majority. So in the case of Rohingya genocide, it was planned in a very cold-blooded manner by the military commanders and their highest level of general staff including the current coup leader Min Aung Hlaing.

Myanmar’s Democrats Soldiering On while Asian Neighbours and Putin’s Russia Arm the Murderous Coup Regime
FORSEA is bringing you a small collection of analyses which Myanmar dissidents and researchers themselves have written in both English and Burmese languages.

Who will replace the military in Myanmar? The People’s Answer
The international community need to seriously re-assess the current regressively Westphalian view that Myanmar military is the only organization capable of holding the country together, despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

Bureaucratic Despair at the United Nations Human Rights Council, but Hope, Love and Strength amongst Myanmar’s Resistance Communities
Listen Mr. Human Rights Commissioner: Hope is NOT rare among us Myanmar revolutionaries and our supporters.

In Bed with Two Genocidal Regimes in the ASEAN Region: The Case of Singapore, the “Switzerland of Southeast Asia”
Running a government is not like running a church, as the 6th President, the late S. R. Nathan, angrily shouted at me some 30 years ago. But running a state should not mean collaborating and profiting from the genocidal regimes in the backyard.

Welcoming US Government’s Genocide Determination & Urging the Myanmar People’s Fund for the Revolution
From FORSEA Dialogue on Democratic Struggles: Padoh Saw Taw Nee of KNU and Ma Ei Thinzar Maung of NUG welcome US Government's Genocide Determination and urges the release of $1 billion Myanmar People's Fund for the Revolution.

Reassessment of Bilateral and Multilateral relations with the UN Member State of Myanmar Must Take Place
FORSEA's Dr Maung Zarni calls for the reassessment of bilateral and multilateral relations with the UN Member state of Myanmar, in the hands of the genocide perpetrators, and urges the international community of democracies to provide Myanmar resistance with arms and other support.

ICJ’s Mishandling of The Gambia v Myanmar undermines confidence in the Court
On 21 February, FORSEA hosted an international law roundtable with three Canadian and American legal scholars and practitioners immediately after the court’s completion of the first of the 4-public hearings on Myanmar’s preliminary objections to the court’s jurisdictions and Gambia’s legal standing with the court in The Gambia v Myanmar.

The Gambia v. Myanmar will decide whether the Genocide Convention is international law
Enforcement is one of the primary attributes that constitute law. If a law cannot be enforced, it can no longer be considered law. It is crucial that the ICJ's judgment in The Gambia v. Myanmar be used to correct the ICJ's erroneous requirement that genocide be the only intent of a State to prove its special intent to commit genocide.

The ICJ and the Issue of Lawful Representation in The Gambia v Myanmar
Ahead of the scheduled public hearings in The Gambia v Myanmar (the Rohingya genocide case) at the International Court of Justice (ICJ), the University of Ottawa Human Rights Research and Education Centre, Canada, the Genocide Watch of USA and FORSEA release a comprehensive legal analysis. It focuses on the crucial question of who should lawfully speak for Myanmar before the ICJ as Myanmar's coup resulted in an unprecedented situation with...