Tag: human rights

On Trump USA: “Our lesson of oneness has been lost to mainstream Hindu society, but it is not lost to history” & “Hindus for Human Rights is part of a global effort to expose how this chaos machine is being manufactured”

We at Hindus for Human Rights are speaking today as part of a broader global effort to analyze, resist, and expose how this chaos is being manufactured, how it is strategic, and how it is meant to disorient us—to leave us questioning what is real, what is trolling, and what is sheer horror.

China-US Tensions: Their Impact on Myanmar and Broader Southeast Asia

The next FORSEA Dialogue on Democratic Struggles Across Asia, on Wednesday 17 November, discusses China-US Tensions: Their Impact on Myanmar and Broader Southeast Asia with four expects on the region.

/ November 11, 2021

The Balkanization of Myanmar: Minorities’ Solution to 70-years of the Colonial Rule & Political Repression?

The next FORSEA Dialogue on Democratic Struggles Across Asia discusses Myanmar with Rual Lian Than, an ethnic Chin researcher and activist.

/ November 3, 2021

Why is Japan NOT standing up for human rights and justice across Asia?

The next FORSEA Dialogue on Democratic Struggles Across Asia discusses Japan's disappointing policy responses to egregious human rights violations in Asia and its reluctance to use its economic leverage to help people in need. Live: May 11, 2021: 7pm Tokyo | 6pm KL | 5pm Phnom Penh, Jakarta & BKK | 4:30pm Yangon | 11am London.

/ May 8, 2021

Kemunduran Demokrasi di Indonesia dan Perlawanan Papua Barat

Di kalangan pembela hak asasi manusia,kelambanan pemerintahan Joko Widodo atas penyelesaian berbagai pelanggaran hak asasi manusia di Indonesia telah memicu kekecewaan yang meluas terhadap kepemimpinannya. Sementara situasi hak asasi manusia pada umumnya, dan khususnya, di Papua Barat, telah memburuk dengan meningkatnya represi dan kekerasan negara terhadap aktor masyarakat sipil termasuk terhadap para jurnalis.

/ December 25, 2020

The SAGE Handbook of Global Sexualities

The Handbook represents a sustained effort to cover an array of topics, disciplines and geographical locations, reflecting the field in its time. It is characterized by its timely, controversial and plural approach to sexualities.

/ April 26, 2020

Ban in Extramarital and Gay Sex Postponed in Indonesia

The Criminal Code may yet be revised so that human rights like freedom of expression and association are better protected. But this requires the mobilisation of civil society in a way that has not been seen since General Suharto was ousted in 1998. It seems more likely that the pace of Islamization of the country has only faced a temporary setback.

/ September 23, 2019


SOAS, University of London, celebrates leading figures from the world of literature, law, journalism and finance, and honours human rights lawyer Nursyahbani Katjasungkana at this year’s graduation.

/ July 28, 2019


FORSEA joins Parti Sosialis Malaysis in expressing concern about the arrest and repatriation of a Thai dissident, from Malaysia to Thailand, to possibly face persecution for her political views.

/ May 15, 2019