All posts by FORSEA

Thai King robs his people

Why Thais are Losing Faith in the Monarchy

In his article in the The Washington Post, Pavin Chachavalpongpun, FORSEA’s director of multimedia, explains how the eroding power of Thailand's monarchy is growing ever more evident.

/ May 16, 2020

Southeast Asian Regimes Attack Democracy on the pretext of COVID-19

While COVID-19 continues to attack the population of this region, they also become targets of the state, as they demand transparency of information on the pandemic.

/ May 8, 2020

The SAGE Handbook of Global Sexualities

The Handbook represents a sustained effort to cover an array of topics, disciplines and geographical locations, reflecting the field in its time. It is characterized by its timely, controversial and plural approach to sexualities.

/ April 26, 2020
rollback of freedom Thailand

NGO condemns rollback of freedom in Thailand under the pretext of COVID-19

Thailand uses Covid-19 to restrict the freedom to inform. Virus information that the government deems "false or capable of causing fear in the public" is now punishable by up to five years in prison.

/ April 1, 2020

Regional Roundup: Asia Dares Covid Disaster

it is increasingly clear that disaster is possible for significant parts of the countries that make up 70 percent of Asia’s population unless authorities can find ways around it.

/ March 25, 2020
Future Forward Party leader Thanathorn Juangroongruangkit at Rally

FORSEA ประณามการยุบพรรคอนาคตใหม่ ชี้ถึงความถดถอยของประชาธิปไตยไทย

คำตัดสินของศาลรัฐธรรมนูญจะส่งผลกระทบอย่างมากต่อการเมืองไทยในระยะสั้นและระยะยาว มันทำให้เกิดคำถามถึงเรื่องความเชื่อมั่นของประชาชนต่อระบบการเลือกตั้ง คำถามว่าเสียงของผู้มีสิทธิเลือกตั้งจำนวนหกล้านคนที่เลือกพรรคอนาคตใหม่นั้น ไร้ความหมายทางการเมืองของไทยหรือไม่ 

/ February 22, 2020

FORSEA Condemns the Dissolution of the Future Forward Party: A Setback for Thai Democracy

The Future Forward Party was a threat to the Thai traditional power holders, so it was eradicated by Thailand's Constitutional Court.

/ February 22, 2020

Philippines’ Duterte Seeks End of Broadcast Foe

As expected, the increasingly autocratic administration of President Rodrigo Duterte has acted to try to shut down the Philippines’ biggest news and media corporation, ABS-CBN, via a petition filed with the Philippine Supreme Court by the nominally independent solicitor general’s office.

/ February 11, 2020

Singapore Uses ‘Fake News’ Law Against Critics

The very thing that press organizations, social media platforms and human rights groups feared is now coming to pass in Singapore.

/ December 28, 2019
Boycott Myanmar Campaign

Rights Groups Launch Myanmar Boycott Ahead of Hague Genocide Hearings

Rohingya campaigners launch a global boycott movement, urging corporations, foreign investors, professional and cultural organizations to sever their institutional ties with Myanmar, on the eve of Myanmar’s genocide trial at the International Court of Justice (ICJ).

/ December 10, 2019