Category: Multimedia
All things ‘multimedia’ from FORSEA.

FORSEA Public Event underlined our collective moral obligation to “Others”
Three commentaries by three speakers: Sunita Viswanath, Michimi Muranushi, and Gregory Stanton.

After Mussolini: A Warning Against Future Proto-Fascisms & the Far Right’s Threat to Humanity & the Environment
YouTube Public Discussion: 17 November 2022 (11 am – 3 pm GMT/UK). Noam Chomsky's pre-recorded overview of proto-Fascisms and their threat to organised life on the planet. Format – Roundtable. Join 30 Anti-Fascist scholars, activists & musicians from 15 different countries and 4 continents.

Singapore: The Shelter for Myanmar Junta’s Arms Dealers, Drug Lords, and Cronies
Watch live: FORSEA Dialogue on Democratic Struggles Series with guest James Gomez, PhD., Director of the Asia Center, Southeast Asia.

China and the Human Rights of its Neighbours
FORSEA co-sponsored Talk: "If China gives lethal stability to its neighbours, do the actors outside have no option but to look the other way?"

New Fascisms in Europe: Poland’s Far Right Problem
Watch live: FORSEA's Dialogue on Democratic Struggles Series with guest Rafal Pankowski, professor, the Institute of Sociology of Collegium Civitas in Warsaw, Poland and author of ‘Neo-Fascism in Western Europe: A Study in Ideology’.

Saving the Native White Swedes: The Return of Swedish Fascism in 2022
FORSEA Dialogue LIVE on Democratic Struggles Series with distinguished guest Arash Sedighi, PhD, teacher, Screenplay writer and co-founder of the BAME+ podcast network.

After Mussolini: The Second Coming of Fascism in Italy (?)
Watch live: FORSEA's Dialogue on Democratic Struggles Series with guest Michael Leonardi, author of "Introducing Georgia Meloni: How the US opened the door for Fascism's Return to Italy".

Survivors of Khmer Rouge Genocide and their Need for Mental Health Support
Watch live: FORSEA's Dialogue on Democratic Struggles Series with guest Farina So, Principal Deputy Director of the Documentation Center of Cambodia (DC-Cam) and author of "The Hijab of Cambodia: Memories of Cham Muslim Women after the Khmer Rouge".

War is Not the Answer to Conflicts: Not in Ukraine Nor Elsewhere
In the FORSEA interview conducted in Kuala Lumpur on Friday 8 July, 2022, Dr Mahathir pointed out that Western powers invent “enemies”, holding up the Cold War as a concrete example.

FORSEA Dialogue on Democratic Struggles Series: “No human is “illegal”
Against the backdrop of the prevailing global paradigm which illegalizes HUMAN BEINGS unless they have formal membership of a “states” - itself a largely fictional concept, FORSEA is hosting a radical dialogue with Dr Sindhuja Sankaran, a social psychologist and the founder and managing director of Rethinking Refugees.