Category: Multimedia

All things ‘multimedia’ from FORSEA.

Invasions, International Law and Global Responses: From colonial Britain and white-settlerist USA to Maoist China and Putin’s Russia

FORSEA Dialogue on Democratic Struggles, May 4th, 2022, a veteran of US Navy and retired dean of Sydney's Macquarie University Law School speaks to FORSEA.

/ May 4, 2022

Democracy in France 2022: Conversation with Sorbonne Constitutional Scholar and Leftist Intellectual Marie Gren

In the fascinating 60-minutes discussion, Professor Gren touched on various aspects of contemporary democracy in France, ranging from the sordid state of the Left and its “caviar socialists” and the increasing acceptability and mainstreaming of Far Right ideologies which Le Pen personifies, to the economic hardships that inflict immense pains on the great majority of the French public.

/ April 29, 2022

France’s Long Struggle for Democracy: the Era of Macron-LePen

FORSEA Dialogue Series on Democratic Struggles is hosting a public discussion with a constitutional law scholar and a student of French politics Professor Marie Gren of Sorbonne on 26 April.

/ April 24, 2022

Myanmar Mothers’ Cries Do Not Bode Well for the Nation’s Future

The musician of resistance Mun Awng reminded the viewers, “the revolution must prevail, against all odds.” Tain Sway was seen nodding her head profusely when Mun Awng spelled out the pervasive sentiment – that “it is better to die fighting for the cause than living under the boot, again”.

/ April 19, 2022

My Experience with the Russian Invasion: Ukrainian Filmmaker Petro Tsymbal speaks LIVE from Kyiv

Petro, an award-winning Ukrainian filmmaker, has joined the civil resistance to use his talents behind the camera to document Putin’s crime against peace.

/ April 7, 2022

FORSEA LIVE Concert, Acoustic Solo: Solidarity Performance for Myanmar’s Resistance against Terrorist Coup Regime

Mun Awng, Myanmar's acclaimed musician of resistance performs LIVE and joined by Ms Hmu Hta Ray zar Tein Swe, Karenni Nationalities Defence Force. Sunday 3 April 2022 @ 2:30 GMT/London.

/ April 2, 2022

Uukraine and Myanmar Resistance Movements: Interests, Ideologies and International-Law

The next FORSEA Dialogue on Democratic Struggles welcomes two guests: Giada Corsoni from Genocide Watch, and Gregory Stanton, the Genocide Watch founding President, the host is FORSEA's Maung Zarni. Watch live on YouTube: Friday 1 April 2022.

/ March 31, 2022

Welcoming US Government’s Genocide Determination & Urging the Myanmar People’s Fund for the Revolution

From FORSEA Dialogue on Democratic Struggles: Padoh Saw Taw Nee of KNU and Ma Ei Thinzar Maung of NUG welcome US Government's Genocide Determination and urges the release of $1 billion Myanmar People's Fund for the Revolution.

/ March 25, 2022

Reassessment of Bilateral and Multilateral relations with the UN Member State of Myanmar Must Take Place

FORSEA's Dr Maung Zarni calls for the reassessment of bilateral and multilateral relations with the UN Member state of Myanmar, in the hands of the genocide perpetrators, and urges the international community of democracies to provide Myanmar resistance with arms and other support. 

/ March 22, 2022

Russia’s War Against Ukraine & Its Global Consequences: Views from Asia

In Southeast Asia, a region of nearly 600-million, neither the citizens nor the states seem to share the kind of popular official outrage over Russia's invasion of Ukraine, or the fear of immediate impact on their lives, which one sees in the West such as in the United States, Canada, the UK and European Union.  

/ March 22, 2022