Tag: Myanmar

Welcoming US Government’s Genocide Determination & Urging the Myanmar People’s Fund for the Revolution
From FORSEA Dialogue on Democratic Struggles: Padoh Saw Taw Nee of KNU and Ma Ei Thinzar Maung of NUG welcome US Government's Genocide Determination and urges the release of $1 billion Myanmar People's Fund for the Revolution.

Reassessment of Bilateral and Multilateral relations with the UN Member State of Myanmar Must Take Place
FORSEA's Dr Maung Zarni calls for the reassessment of bilateral and multilateral relations with the UN Member state of Myanmar, in the hands of the genocide perpetrators, and urges the international community of democracies to provide Myanmar resistance with arms and other support.

Nwe Oo Resistance Against the Russian-Backed Criminal Coup Regime in Myanmar
FORSEA Dialogue on Democratic Struggles: 21 March 2022 – Live on YouTube. In Burmese and English languages with guests Padoh Saw Taw Nee, and Daw Ei Thinzar Maung.

The Russian Invasion of Ukraine Through My Burmese Eyes
None of the leading liberal democracies of the West really honours the principles they loudly espouse such as non-violence, popular and state sovereignty, human rights, or democracy, nor do they support democratic resistance, armed or non-violent, unless such support serves their hidden interests, whether those interests are commercial or geostrategic.

ICJ’s Mishandling of The Gambia v Myanmar undermines confidence in the Court
On 21 February, FORSEA hosted an international law roundtable with three Canadian and American legal scholars and practitioners immediately after the court’s completion of the first of the 4-public hearings on Myanmar’s preliminary objections to the court’s jurisdictions and Gambia’s legal standing with the court in The Gambia v Myanmar.

Questioning the legitimacy of Myanmar’s coup regime acting as human representatives of “a state party”
ICJ, UN’s court, owes an explanation and transparency behind its dubious decision to allow the murderous regime of Myanmar to act as if it were a state actor in effective control of the state in the Gambia vs Myanmar.

သူခိုးဓါးရိုးကမ်း၊ ပြင်ညာရှင်လုပ်စား ရောဂါ | The Cancerous Roles of Experts in Myanmar’s International State Crimes
ဂျီနိုဆိုက်ကျူးလွန်နေတဲ့ တရားမဝင် စစ်အာဏာရှင်ကို မြန်မာနဲ့ နိုင်ငံခြားသား ပညာရှင်တွေက ဘာကြောင့် သူတို့ပညာတွေ သုံးပြီး ကူညီနေတာလဲ။

ကိုလိုနီ စိတ်မှ လွတ်မြောက်ပြီး ဒီမိုကရေစီနည်းကျ အသိပညာပြန့်ပွားရေး၊ FORSEA ပညာရှင်များ စကားဝိုင်း
ရိုဟင်ဂျာလူမျိုးစုနှင့် ၎င်းတို့သမိုင်းကို မြန်မာနိုင်ငံမှ ဖျက်ဆီးခြင်းတို့ကို ဂျင်န်နိုဆိုက် (genocide) လူမျိုးတုံးအမြစ်ဖြုတ်မှု အဖြစ်ရှုမြင်ခြင်းနှင့် ပတ်သက်၍ ကမ္ဘာ့အဆင့်ပညာရှင်များ စကားဝိုင်းတစ်ရပ် ပြုလုပ်ခဲ့သည်။

Post-Holocaust Genocides as a Single Clearest Indictment of the Criminal Failure of the United Nations & World Civilization
FORSEA’s new YouTube LIVE Dialogue series “Decolonizing Minds, Democratizing Knowledge” hosted its first episode, looking at Rohingya identity and history destruction by Myanmar as a real-world case.

The Violent Legacies in Myanmar of Colonial Knowledge and Area Studies
A major problem standing in the way of progress of what should be a joint front is that academics have clung to the myth that academics are observers, not participants, and that they should stand beyond politics. Unfortunately, in the Area Studies of the American and the British Academies, the 'discipline IS political'. Our disciplines have emerged from the colonial period as tools of empire and were preserved after the...