Tag: Thailand

Can Thailand Recover from Persistent Dictatorship?
Thailand was once the hope of democracy in Southeast Asia. Two coups and two constitutions later and opposition nearly suppressed into extinction, the Bangkok elite have dragged Thailand back to something akin to absolutism. Is there any chance for democracy in Thailand? There are indications in Thailand’s Northeast, or Isaan, that networks may be able to come together in a progressive alliance.

Siam Patched: A Potential Solution to Thailand’s Current Political Impasse
The royalist establishment must allow reformist elements in civil society to take part in the governing process without fear. If not, they risk more later.

FORSEA ประณามการยุบพรรคอนาคตใหม่ ชี้ถึงความถดถอยของประชาธิปไตยไทย
คำตัดสินของศาลรัฐธรรมนูญจะส่งผลกระทบอย่างมากต่อการเมืองไทยในระยะสั้นและระยะยาว มันทำให้เกิดคำถามถึงเรื่องความเชื่อมั่นของประชาชนต่อระบบการเลือกตั้ง คำถามว่าเสียงของผู้มีสิทธิเลือกตั้งจำนวนหกล้านคนที่เลือกพรรคอนาคตใหม่นั้น ไร้ความหมายทางการเมืองของไทยหรือไม่

FORSEA Condemns the Dissolution of the Future Forward Party: A Setback for Thai Democracy
The Future Forward Party was a threat to the Thai traditional power holders, so it was eradicated by Thailand's Constitutional Court.

What Will Thailand Look Like in 2020?
Vajiralongkorn is an ambitious king, he has also become increasingly politically savvy. But he is not alone in the world of ambitious leaders. New leaders, like Thanathorn, are equally ambitious. 2020 could be the year when the two collide.

A Film Unseen in Thailand
On 12 December 2019, up-and-coming Thai film producer, Thunska Pansittivorakul, thrilled his audiences at the Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University, by showing one of his latest films – Screaming Goats – a film never to be screened in his home country, Thailand.

FORSEA Co-Founder Pavin Chachavalpongpun Edits the “Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Thailand”
November 6, 2019, sees the release of the “Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Thailand” which is edited by FORSEA co-founder Pavin Chachavalpongpun. This timely volume discusses the condition of today’s Thailand and contains 34 chapters from an international line-up of academics.

Thai Kings’s Absolute Reign
The Thai military, which helped the country’s establishment create an unassailable monarchy to further its ends, now finds that it has created an uncontrollable figure in the form of King Maha Vajiralongkorn, the 67-year-old monarch who took the throne on the death of his revered father in 2016.

A New Royal Consort Raises Uncomfortable Questions about the Role of Royalty in Thailand
After three failed marriages, Vajiralongkorn has lost interest in fulfilling the institution’s role in projecting family values. And after appointing a noble consort, it's a tall order to rescue King Vajiralongkorn’s image.

Attack on FORSEA Board Member Pavin Chachavalpongpun
The FORSEA Board is gravely concerned about the politically motivated attack on our colleague – FORSEA co-founder and Kyoto University professor Pavin Chachavalpongpun in his own bedroom in Kyoto a month ago.