Category: Opinion
The latest opinion from those committed to making our region fair, just and democratic.

Burmese genocide scholar Maung Zarni takes on Myanmar’s most influential abbot, Sitagu Sayadaw
No global justice or international accountability process will be complete without Sitagu being named as a criminal who despite his saffron robe and high honours has provided spiritual patronage to genocidal leaders of Myanmar while offering scriptural justifications for “killing millions of non-Buddhists.”

Thai Royalists Must Change Tactics in Dealing with Free Speech
After printing "I'm losing faith in the monarchy" on a tee shirt, a critic of the monarchy was locked in a mental asylum. Not surprisingly, it did little to reassure Thais that authorities were acting in their best interests.

Manila’s a Trap: Sensing the City in Filipino Indie Music
With the advent of laptops, synths, mixers and other musical gadgetry, the DIY ethic endeared by small indie labels is back on track. The indie culture keeps artistry aground since in today’s music industry, the story will always be an issue between the haves and the have-nots.

De-imagining Myanmar and Reimagining Free or Federated States
The painful but necessary question – How will or can Myanmar be de-constructed, or more alarmingly, disintegrated? – needs to be asked openly and debated publicly.

#HoldTheLine campaign launched in support of Maria Ressa
A coalition has been set to aid Maria Ressa and independent media from state’s harassment in the Philippines. Sixty press freedom groups and civil society organisations, journalism institutions, filmmakers, and others have formed a coalition in support of Maria Ressa and independent media united around the call to #HoldTheLine.

Thailand is caught in the Sino-US rivalry that has shaped a new world order
Thailand's current Prayuth government may like to think that Thailand could play a balancing game between the United States and China. But the Thai domestic problems have compromised its position.

In an increasingly dangerous neighbourhood, Australia needs a stronger security system
Australia’s actions are not happening in a vacuum. Rather, Australia is appropriately and commensurately responding in an effort to bolster its own resilience and deterrence. After all, wars start when one side calculates the other’s ability to deter is insufficient and they feel confident of victory. Deterrence is critically important.

FORSEA’s Maung Zarni speaks to Anadolu Agency on wide ranging issues in Southeast Asia
The Burmese public has been made ignorant of the facts about Islam and Muslims Zarni explains. There is no reason for the Burmese government to target Rohingya as they do not demand secession, independence, or even a regional autonomy.

Does Real Democracy Stand a Chance in Thailand? | Inside Story
It's eighty eight years since the revolution in Thailand which was the end of the absolute monarchy and the start of democracy. But it's the army and the Royal palace which today define much of Thai politics.

FORSEA Statement of Solidarity with #BlackLivesMatter from Southeast Asia
We call on activists, irrespective of ethnic identities, dominant or subjugated conditions, nationality or legal status within Southeast Asia to embark on political, educational and activist programs aimed at de-colonising popular consciousness and transforming internally colonial institutions and practices.