Tag: China

From Hedging to Bandwagoning: China’s Shift in Strategy in Securing Its Interests in Post-Coup Myanmar
China has taken advantage of Myanmar’s violent situation. Its economic and strategic gains are being made in blatant disregards of Myanmar’s resistance’s – and the public’s – calls for China to desist from further enabling Myanmar military.

Is China Mediating Conflicts in Myanmar?
China’s approach towards peace and stability lacks any real prospects for peace. For the Chinese are pursuing stability in Myanmar only to the extent it serves to protect their economic, security, and energy interests, not peace for Myanmar as a whole.

China and the Human Rights of its Neighbours
FORSEA co-sponsored Talk: "If China gives lethal stability to its neighbours, do the actors outside have no option but to look the other way?"

The Clash of Empire Builders: China, USA and Russia
FORSEA Dialogue Series on Democratic Struggles will host a conversation with the famed Malaysian activist Hishamuddin Rais on the clash of imperialist powers and its global consequences.

The Panda has Claws too: Why We Must Get a Grip on what the Chinese Communist Party/CCP Really Is
This week FORSEA is hosting an indepth dialogue with a distinguished researcher, journalist Didi Kirsten Tatlow on the crucial need to understand and appreciate fully the nature of the Chinese Communist Party or CCP and the profound consequences of its rise to the commanding heights of global affairs.

China’s Re-establishment of the Maritime Silk Route (MSR): Its effect in the Philippines & Asian Geopolitics
The South China Sea is the perfect spot for the attainment of China's long-term goal in military affairs, in political development, in economic growth and cultural change. Meanwhile, 61% of the public in the Philippines and 51% in Vietnam say they are very concerned about a possible military confrontation with Beijing.

Enforcing Alliances: Containing China in East Asia
China has accrued formidable economic power, and is now beginning to channel greater quantities of that power into military modernization. Its primary purpose is overseas force projection in a great arc ranging from the Sea of Japan to the Indian Ocean. Asia’s Pacific rim states have become a primary target for incorporation into a China-centered world system that aims to exclude American influence.

Are We as Area Studies Scholars Guilty of Negligence in Allowing Genocides to Happen in the Regions we Study?
Foreign scholars CAN help to prevent genocide again. If we're waiting for policymakers to prevent things on their own and save ourselves the trouble so that we can take a well-funded research trip and sit outside a coffee shop in Naypyitaw or Yangon, why should the rest of the world have any interest in reading anything we have to write? Scholarship and research should mean something.

China’s Debt Trap Diplomacy: Is ASEAN a Victim?
Is the China debt-trap diplomacy real in the form of a calculated move by China to seize strategic assets to further its geopolitical ambitions as an emerging superpower? Or is a misuse of language to describe a common phenomenon depicting the need and greed of financially incompetent borrowers?

FORSEA Offers a Voice of Solidarity to the Freedom-Loving People of Hong Kong
Based on our shared democratic values and concerns for China’s anti-democratic, anti-people and anti-Environment policies in Southeast Asia, FORSEA stands in solidarity with the freedom-loving people of Hong Kong.