Tag: Singapore

Attacks on Lawyers: Post-Coup Myanmar and the Philippines under the Duterte and Marcos Leaderships
Watch live: FORSEA Dialogue on Democratic Struggles Series with guest Gill H. Boehringer, Honorary Senior Research Fellow and former Dean at Macquarie University Law School, Sydney, & Co-Chair of the Monitoring Committee on Attacks on Lawyers of the International Association of People’s Lawyers.

In Bed with Two Genocidal Regimes in the ASEAN Region: The Case of Singapore, the “Switzerland of Southeast Asia”
Running a government is not like running a church, as the 6th President, the late S. R. Nathan, angrily shouted at me some 30 years ago. But running a state should not mean collaborating and profiting from the genocidal regimes in the backyard.

Singapore: The Shelter for Myanmar Junta’s Arms Dealers, Drug Lords, and Cronies
Watch live: FORSEA Dialogue on Democratic Struggles Series with guest James Gomez, PhD., Director of the Asia Center, Southeast Asia.

States and state-controlled Universities in Southeast Asia
FORSEA Dialogue calls for cross-border cooperation among concerned scholars to foster "counter-spaces" for intellectual freedom which is a pillar of an autonomous civil society.

Liberating Minds, Activating Citizens: What Role for Higher Education in Singapore
Join a webinar on liberal education in Singapore with Haolie Jiang, Robin Zheng and Meredith Weiss on September 9, 2021 08:00 PM in Singapore.

FORSEA Statement on Singapore’s Arrest of Peaceful LGBT Student Protestors
FORSEA, a Southeast Asia-wide network of democrats, scholars and rights activists, are deeply troubled by the news of Singapore arresting a small but unprecedented group of students who staged a LGBT-rights protest outside the Ministry of Education. We call on the authorities to release and drop all charges against these student activists, whose “crime” was a peaceful demand to repeal transphobic discriminatory policies and practices in Singapore’s schools.

Condemning NUS Press for Obstructing Academic Freedom
FORSEA condemns NUS Press’ blatant censorship of a book critical of the Thai monarchy, and urges all members of the academic community who are involved with NUS Press to uphold the principle of academic freedom by refraining from lending their legitimacy and credibility to NUS Press as an act of scholarly solidarity.

Quick-take reflections on Singapore’s elections
The 2020 Singaporean general election was held on 10 July, electing MPs to the 14th Parliament of Singapore. The PAP, in power since 1965, won 83 of 93 parliamentary seats or 61.2% of the vote – down from nearly 70% it had in the 2015 poll. The opposition Workers' Party secured 10 seats - its best result.

The Trouble of the Palm Oil Business in Southeast Asia
With name-calling and scapegoating over the polluted haze, governments of Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore engage in a rhetorical exercise. In reality, all parties are skating around the real issues.

Singapore Uses ‘Fake News’ Law Against Critics
The very thing that press organizations, social media platforms and human rights groups feared is now coming to pass in Singapore.