Tag: Thailand

Thailand Political Landscape and Trends in 2025: Stagnation, Suppression, and Status Quo
In this succinct overview of the state of affairs in his native Thailand in 2025, Jaran Ditapichai, the famed revolutionary and scholar exiled in France, connects the dots among his country's weakened democratic demands from below, the strengthening conservative forces in Thai society, economy and polity, and the lack of concerns among the Thai public in the international affairs.

Understanding 2023 Post-Election Politics in Thailand: A Brief Guide
As the Thai nation remains on edge, Damrong Kraikruan shares insights as to how best to understand what is unfolding politically in post-election Thailand and what likely scenarios there are in terms of the establishment of the next government.

Thailand’s Military-Palace Complex and Prospects for the Emergence of a Government of, for and by the People
"Unlike the past, the pro-democracy movements now see clearly who and which institutions are the key forces in the network of the royalist elites. They do not focus solely on a number of military leaders but called for a structural changes." Puangthong R. Pawakapan

Informational Autocrats are on the rise in Southeast Asia: Opinion by a Co-Founder of FORSEA
Thai authorities want to arrest Pavin Chachavalpongpun, a co-founder of FORSEA and associate professor at Kyoto University. In an interview with DW, Pavin slams the new generation of autocrats who are engaged in information manipulation.

Like China, Russia and Saudi Arabia, Thailand’s regime hunts down its opponents around the world
What is happening to dissidents in Thailand must be exposed and discussed within the context of the ruthless tactics adopted by the despotic regimes of China, Russia and Saudi Arabia. It is time that the West sees the true nature of the Thai monarchy: a despotic regime that harasses, threatens, and kills its critics.

FORSEA Co-organises an Online Music Fest to Aid Thai Protesters
M.O.B., standing for “Melody of Bravery”, is a congregation of Thai singers that sing for public donation. The initiative behind M.O.B. stems from the fact that human rights organisations in Thailand, in their attempt to offer different types of legal support for those arrested, are in urgent financial need.

FORSEA Dialogue on Democratic Struggles across Southeast Asia: A Natural Alliance between Thai and Myanmar Democratic Struggles
Dissidents and leading scholars of Thailand and Myanmar, Pavin Chachavpongpun and Muang Zarni, will reflect on the emerging alliance between the two democratic movements in their respective countries and their determination to end the two militaries' usurpation of state power.

Thai and Myanmar Militaries: Both Locked their Nations into Cycles of Nation-Destroying Coups
In their one-hour discussion, Pavin Chachavalpongpun and Maung Zarni, the Thai and Burmese exiles who co-founded FORSEA, draw lessons from the two countries’ vicious cycles of military coups – going back almost a century, in the case of the Kingdom of Thailand and six-decades in the case of post-colonial Myanmar.

Now Published: Coup, King, Crisis: A Critical Interregnum in Thailand
The prospects of the inevitable end of the Bhumibol era loomed large over 21st century Thailand. Events have now taken their course and King Maha Vajiralongkorn has been crowned. The new King is beginning to make his presence felt, but in important ways, Thailand is still in an interregnum: a time when the old order is dying but a new one struggles to be born.

The Thai King Sends Messages Presaging Conflict in Thailand
Three months have passed and the protests in Thailand have intensified. One of the main messages of the demonstrations has become clear—the protesters believe the monarchy is in need of immediate reform. In just three months, Thais have repeatedly stretched the boundaries of what is acceptable to discuss in public—and at large gatherings—regarding the monarchy.