Tag: Thailand

Student protests Bangkok Royalist Marketplace

Thai Royalists Must Change Tactics in Dealing with Free Speech

After printing "I'm losing faith in the monarchy" on a tee shirt, a critic of the monarchy was locked in a mental asylum. Not surprisingly, it did little to reassure Thais that authorities were acting in their best interests.

/ July 24, 2020

Thailand is caught in the Sino-US rivalry that has shaped a new world order

Thailand's current Prayuth government may like to think that Thailand could play a balancing game between the United States and China. But the Thai domestic problems have compromised its position.

/ July 9, 2020

Does Real Democracy Stand a Chance in Thailand? | Inside Story

It's eighty eight years since the revolution in Thailand which was the end of the absolute monarchy and the start of democracy. But it's the army and the Royal palace which today define much of Thai politics.

/ June 27, 2020

ASEAN Parliamentarians for Human Rights Breaks its Silence of Thai Abduction

APHR calls on parliamentarians in Thailand and Cambodia to hold their governments to account by asking for regular reports on their respective efforts and progress in finding the whereabouts of Wanchalearm Satsakit.

/ June 11, 2020
King Vajiralongkorn change in the use of lèse-majesté law

A Softer Approach From Thailand’s Sophisticated Monarch

From the judges and the police, to the army and officials in the ICT, they all serve as defenders of the monarchy, thus making the Computer Crime Act as effective as the lèse-majesté law in purging dissent from Thai society.

/ June 6, 2020

FORSEA condemns the abduction of Thai dissident in Cambodia

We wish to condemn the state abduction of Wanchalearm and urge the international community to further seek truth behind this heinous act.

/ June 5, 2020
Thai King robs his people

Why Thais are Losing Faith in the Monarchy

In his article in the The Washington Post, Pavin Chachavalpongpun, FORSEA’s director of multimedia, explains how the eroding power of Thailand's monarchy is growing ever more evident.

/ May 16, 2020

The Royalists Marketplace: The Supply and Demand for Dissent in Thailand

The Royalists Marketplace elevates political criticism, bringing it from underground to a screen, from gossip and rumour to open debate.

/ May 4, 2020
Thailand Supreme Court Bangkok FORSEA

Coups, Courts, and John Austin’s Theory of Law

If one day Thai society decides to prosecute a junta for their crime against the state, the set of people to stand trial, as partners to that crime, will need to include more individuals than the coup-makers.

/ April 19, 2020
prevent the spread of the covid-19 virus At Hua Lamphong Railway Station

Contagion and the Thai State

Now, more than ever, Thailand needs free-flowing credible information, vigorous popular input into the policy-making process, and grassroots organisations to implement public health directives. Human resources need to be mobilised in a national effort to stave off disaster.

/ April 5, 2020