Tag: Indonesia

Gay Couple Caned in Aceh, Indonesia
Same-sex practices in Aceh traditionally were not seen in contradiction with local customs (adat) and religion. It is ironic that in Aceh today, homophobic political and religious officials voice opinions that would be more intelligible to the condescending Dutch colonizers than to Aceh’s elite circles a century ago.

Kemunduran Demokrasi di Indonesia dan Perlawanan Papua Barat
Di kalangan pembela hak asasi manusia,kelambanan pemerintahan Joko Widodo atas penyelesaian berbagai pelanggaran hak asasi manusia di Indonesia telah memicu kekecewaan yang meluas terhadap kepemimpinannya. Sementara situasi hak asasi manusia pada umumnya, dan khususnya, di Papua Barat, telah memburuk dengan meningkatnya represi dan kekerasan negara terhadap aktor masyarakat sipil termasuk terhadap para jurnalis.

Indonesia’s National Police Declare War on Hardline Islamic Group
Indonesia’s National Police, long believed to have abetted the creation of the thuggish Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) as an underground force to carry out extrajudicial tasks against police targets, clearly have decided the organization has outgrown its usefulness and are cracking down violently.

Indonesia’s Democratic Regression & West Papuan Resistance
While the human rights situation in Indonesia at large – and particularly in West Papua – has worsened, there is increased state repression towards civil society actors and journalists. Furthermore, strong identity politics, cultural intolerance, and religious fundamentalism have risen, resulting in discrimination and violence against vulnerable social groups including women.

Uncivil Society: Religious Organisations, Mobocracy and Democratic Backsliding in Asia
Civil society is usually seen as a force for liberal reforms, but uncivil society merits more scrutiny. It represents the dark side of the 3rd sector, is subject to elite capture, and can be an advocate for an agenda conducive to authoritarianism. We examine religious organisations in four of Asia’s plural societies– Bangladesh, Indonesia, Myanmar and Sri Lanka.

How Black Lives Matter Inspired West Papua’s Freedom Struggle
The people of West Papua have suffered decades of oppression and discrimination at the hands of the Indonesian state. Now they’ve drawn inspiration from the Black Lives Matter protests to mount popular resistance to yet another authoritarian clampdown.

The Trouble of the Palm Oil Business in Southeast Asia
With name-calling and scapegoating over the polluted haze, governments of Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore engage in a rhetorical exercise. In reality, all parties are skating around the real issues.

Indonesia: The Fires Next Time
It’s surprising that while demand hits have caused factory closures, falling coal consumption and less auto traffic, leading to blue skies the world over, the palm oil industry continues its environmentally damaging practices unabatedly.

Ban in Extramarital and Gay Sex Postponed in Indonesia
The Criminal Code may yet be revised so that human rights like freedom of expression and association are better protected. But this requires the mobilisation of civil society in a way that has not been seen since General Suharto was ousted in 1998. It seems more likely that the pace of Islamization of the country has only faced a temporary setback.

How do Terrorists Fund Their Activities? Some do it legally
Not only are terrorist fund-raising methods changing, but the ways money is being used has also evolved. Vigilance to the changes in terrorist financing methods is needed.